Thursday, December 11, 2008

Coming Home

Well, I think this picture says it all-I'm terrified that you guys are sending me home with these people!!! Mitchell was not a very a happy camper the day that we were released from the hospital. Clay swears that it is because I had him dressed in a frilly outfit.


laurawh said...

How dern cute! Don't worry, Parker was the same way. Well he was fine for a bit but I swear screamed all night the first night home. Very cute outfit too by the way! Hope you guys are doing well!

The Shermans said...

Tell Clay you can dress him in "frilly" outfits until he's at least 2. He'll get over it. By the way, I'm impressed that y'all have a tree up and!

Rebekah Scott, M.MFT, LPC, LMFTA said...

this is hilarious!!!! I can't wait to meet this little man.